Thursday, 7 December 2006

Training Update

I've just received a great letter from the Station Commander giving me permission to use the faciltities at RAF Innsworth again this year. I thought it might be a problem as with my coach's work schedule it meant we would only be able to train in the evenings but I've been given use of the gym from 9pm onwards for 4 nights a week and pretty much every weekday morning..yay!!

I have yet to shoot a FITA 18 this indoor season and have only been shooting Portsmouths, My best so far is 579 and i won the Visitors Gold medal at the Gwent County Open Indoors with a score of 572. I WILL hit the magical 580 before the end of the season!!

I have also changed my limbs recently so i am still in the transition stage of getting used to them. I've moved from 36lb medium G3's to 40lb Long ones. I can handle the weight comfortably and the extra length seems to make the draw so much smoother. The kicker is having to make new strings for both bows, i've made 4 so far so just another couple to do and i'll be good to go. I've made 2-colour strings this time (I use 8125) They are more fiddly to make than single colour but i think the result is worth the extra time/effort.

I'm heading off up to Lilleshall tommorrow for the first Paralympic Squad training camp of the winter. I'm really looking forward to is as it seems like years ago since i last saw my team mates. It's going to be a tough weekend (It always is) but thoroughly enjoyable.

Here's some Pics from a couple of this years trips.

Bronze medal match, European G.P. July 06

Czech Republic, August 06

Guanzhou, China. September 06

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