Monday, 26 February 2007

All Change!

It's been quite a hectic time since my last post. I've had a couple of Indoor Tournaments which went quite well. The first was the County Championships in late January. I always seem to come 2nd in County shoots (Indoors and out) but i broke that record this year and actually won it.

Then in early February we had the GWAS Regional indoor shoot. I went in with no expectations as i had decided to shoot the FiberBow in a Tournament for the first time. I felt very comfortable shooting and finished in 2nd place so i was very pleased.

The FiberBow is absolutely awesome. It is so quiet and smooth to shoot but you can feel the power in the shot. I've had to get new arrows (a whole spine size stiffer!) but i think it will be worth it in the end.

Today i am taking the day off from shooting as i have just come back from the February Training Camp. It went well, a lot of shooting and a lot of laughs with the squad. We did a bit of biometric testing this time, it seems i'm not very equally balanced when i shoot but i'm putting this down to my leg brace etc. But at least now i am aware of it and its something to look out for.

Thats it for training camps now until next winter, the next time i see my team mates will be at Heathrow Airport in April when we fly out to Arizona. I am really looking forward to it and a bit of sun will do my bones the world of good :) When we come back its full speed into the outdoor season, I think i have only 2 weekends free from tournaments until we go to Korea for the World Championships in October. This summer is going to fly by i just know it.

Till next time, take care and good shooting!

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