Why are you telling us this? i hear you yawn. Well in my spare time (which is surely going to deminish the closer we get to August) I play an online game called "Lord of the Rings Online" this is a game where you create a character and build it up by completing quests and killing monsters. It is also a great way to meet some fantastic new friends.
You do have to be careful though as it is very addictive and before you know it hours have passed in the blink of an eye. I have a few characters in the game and i am a member of a "Kinship" which is simply a group of like-minded people who get together and basically have fun and help each other get the most out of the game.
The Kinship i am in is called "The Hard Biscuits" and they are the nicest and most friendliest group of gamers you could wish too meet.
Lou, my wife also plays and when we play together i play a Minstrel (a healer) whos job it is to keep her character alive. So seeing as Lou is also my performance coach it's in my interest to make sure her character doesn't come to any harm :)
And my Characters, well like i said i have a few but my highest level character is level 50, the maximum level currently obtainable what is he? He's a badass with a bow of course :) If i could shoot as well as him, a Gold Medal in Beijing would be a shoe-in..
Meet Aelluin..the Hunter

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the MP3 e MP4, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://mp3-mp4-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Long time no see :)
This is Mike... we worked on a TC for Unreal some years back, before you went on to work at The Collective and then Human Head...
We also met up at E3... Was either 99 or 2000. Can't remember which it was now.
Man, been a long time. Was wondering what you've been up to and decided to see if I could track you down... Luckily you're pretty Google-friendly, so it wasn't difficult.
Glad to see you're doing well and apparently getting around in Archery. Always been intrigued by that... Hunter is a natural choice for a LoTRO character heheh. I'm hooked on FFXI at the moment... awaiting AION and, further along, FFXIV. I played LoTRO for a bit.. Had a Hunter on Firefoot. Fun game... *Beautiful* environments (always was a fan of Turbine's area design, even back to Asheron's Call 2).. The game just couldn't seem to "hook" me though; I think FFXI spoiled me.
Unfortunate news about having to stop game development. Do you still work on maps at all on your own time, as a hobby perhaps?
In any case... won't ramble too much more here.
Great to see you're still kickin' butt at something, even if it's not brushwork. All the best!
- Mike
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