So here we are on the eve of the Opening Ceremony, one of the biggest events of my life. I don't know how i feel really and it's hard to put into words. There are so many emotions i'm feeling right now, Pride.. at actually being a part of this whole experience, Nervous... as i've obviously never strolled around a stadium filled with 91.000 people all cheering at us before. It's going to be one heck of an evening.
The great news is that unlike the Olympics the athletes will parade in before the ceremony starts so we will actually get to see the entertainment. We have no idea what it's going to involve but we do know it's not the same as the amazing show they put on for the able-bodied archers. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures and if you are watching it live on TV just look for the guy in the white jacket looking like a startled rabbit and that'll be me :)
As for today, not a lot to report really, i shot a while this morning, it went well. I actually shot alongside my mate from the US Paralympic archery team , Kevin Stone (See piccies below) Thats what i love most about this sport at this level, you get to meet good people from all over the world and some of them you get to be good friends with, Kevin is just such a person. A big "thank you" hug to Lindsey Carmichael for taking the photos for us, and giving up her space on the shooting line so Kevin and I could shoot a few arrows together.
Anyhoo i really ought to get some rest, big day tomorrow and all that :)
Hi Mick, what a good plug for Redruth Archers on Westcountry TV tonite(friday).
Cheers Jimmy
Well, this is it. I'm with You all the way, as are all my work coleagues. I will be watching the opening ceremony tomorrow and have taken a few days off work to (hopefully) watch the Archery events live. All the best, I am so proud of You Bro.
Hi Jimmy, was that the interview i did here or was it the one i did down the field, either way did i look and sound like a total pratt? :)
Cheers Mart, it's good to know people are behind me, Can't wait to get this thing started.
Hello again, if i am not carefull i am going to be accused of having too much time on my hands reading your blog. Well there you go!. it was the interview that you gave from Beijing. TV bit vague on what time the archery is being shown, interactive just says"live coverage" dosent list the sports
Hi Mick,
Just watched the opening ceremony but unfortunately couldnt pick you out!
Must admit to a few emotional thoughts watching it from UK. It must have been absolutely mind blowing in the stadium itself.
Good luck and all the best to you all.
Bob Y
Good luck! I'll be watching you from Holland :)
I spotted You, WOW! it was incredible to see You on telly on such a huge occasion I felt so proud. Dad spotted You too but Mum didn't. It was brief, they were more interested in the flag man and some of the crowd.
There's quite a fan base building up here, getting bigger by the day. All the best.
hiya mick, just wanted to say we saw ya on tv and it was gr8 lol. sam said 'oh look theres marty ' duhh, anyway, i took the wrong week of wrk so probably gonna miss u shooting but i think stu is taping it, u have a followin,from wales, ireland and even austrailia and california ( to name a few places )Soooo best of luck, we are all rooting for ya
best wishes tracey
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