I've just about got over last weekends training camp and it was a good one.
Saturday was quite interesting as i was videod by a guy from the EIS (English Institute of Sport) He had 2 cameras running simultaneously, one in front and one to the side. I've never actually been filmed this way before so it was good to see the same shot from different angles at the same time, very interesting. I am going to get a copy in the next few weeks so i will see if i can get it posted here for you to see.
We also did a bit of biometric balance work, this is where you stand on a pressure pad and it measures the difference in force applied on each foot, again this was interesting to see as you imagine you are stood totally still until you actually see the results on a computer screen..! I was suprisingly quite steady but as always there's room for improvement.
Sunday was the day i was dreading the most...Media Training!!! aargh. It wasn't quite as painful as i thought it would be and by the end of the session i was really quite relaxed about the whole thing. I learned some very interesting things and i'm sure it will be of great value the next time i'm being interviewed for TV, Radio or newspapers. oh and do i really speak like that !!! :)
The highlight of the weekend for me was the talk given by our 2 Athens Paralympic Gold medal winning team mates Kathy Smith and John Cavannagh on their experiences at "the Games". It really brought home to me just how massive an event Beijing is going to be. From the opening ceremony in a stadium filled with 91,000 people to the media frenzy that surrounds it, it really is just awe-inspiring. I've heard many times that competing in the Paralympics is the experience of a lifetime. one which you will never forget and after listening to the presentation and looking at their photos i'm inclined to agree. Here's a couple of pictures of the "Birds nest" Stadium in Beijing.

The weekend wrapped up with me being informed officially that i will be going to Korea again in April for 11 days. Apparently its about zero degrees there at that time of year so i'm not sure if it's going to be too much fun!