Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Finally arrived

There was absolutely no mistaking where we were and why we were here from the moment we got off the plane in Beijing. We were mobbed by Chinese helpers showing us where to go, Mel and I were whisked off through customs etc by our very own personal helpers..absolutely incredible. Everywhere you looked there were paralympic posters, banners, officials...you name it.
The transfer to the athletes village was swift, efficient and trouble free which is pretty much what we have come to expect by now, the Chinese are just so well organised.

To sum up the athletes village in one word is really quite simple...AWESOME!!! It is beautiful, from the manicured lawns to the ornamental ponds, I'm sure i have been wheeling around here for the last few hours with my jaw around my knees :)

The first place we visited was the food hall, or should that be the food "stadium" I really have never seen something so immense, there is every conceivable type of food on offer. Of course being the ultimate proffessional you have all come to know I opted for a balanced meal of Pizza followed by a Magnum Ice-cream.Yum!! :)

Really, this is an experience that will stay etched in my brain for the rest of my life, seeing so many people all milling around with smiles and looks of shear happiness on their faces is not just refreshing but it certainly makes all those hours shooting in wet, cold fields in order to get here worth every nano-second

The ONLY downside is the internet connection isn't quite so convenient as before so todays pictures will follow as soon as i am able to upload them at a reasonable speed.


Anonymous said...

Remeber the deal, several hundred cold burgers please, the Pictures look great mate, It's missing one thing a yellow mug (you know what I mean) LOL?.


Mick said...

funny you should say that, i forgot to pack it but i spoke to lou yesterday and she's bringing it over with her lol

Anonymous said...

Have a good one Mick, i am sure you are aware that we expect to see the yellow mug on TV.

Mick said...

Haha i'll give it a go mate you know me :)